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The Tennessee Defense Lawyers Association is a group of lawyers primarily engaged in civil defense litigation, who have the opportunity to exchange ideas, techniques and information through our association. We also strive to improve trial practice by supporting high standards for litigation practice and courtroom manners within the adversarial system of jurisprudence.

Upcoming Events

Free CLE --

20 Jan 2014 3:19 PM | Anonymous

All TDLA members are invited to participate in a free CLE program on Friday, January 31 beginnning at 9:00 a.m. eastern/8:00 a.m. central time.  The program, "Retaliatory Discharge:  Common Law Tort or Statutory" will be presented by TDLA member, Marcia McShane of Constangy, Brooks & Smith, Nashville.

Non-members may participate for $35.00.

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