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The Tennessee Defense Lawyers Association is a group of lawyers primarily engaged in civil defense litigation, who have the opportunity to exchange ideas, techniques and information through our association. We also strive to improve trial practice by supporting high standards for litigation practice and courtroom manners within the adversarial system of jurisprudence.

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TDLA Meeting with Senator Kelsey - January 27

20 Jan 2017 7:24 AM | Mary Gadd (Administrator)
Members of TDLA:

Phil Mischke, a former board member of the TDLA, was recently approached by Senator Brian Kelsey’s (R-Germantown) staff about the Senator’s desire to meet with defense attorneys to discuss how he might be able to help civil trial attorneys in our state.  Senator Kelsey is the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I have attached a link from the TBA today below. Phil, along with myself, Brad Box, and Michael Mansfield are planning to attend a meeting on January 27 on behalf of the TDLA.  In this vein, we wanted to reach out to our membership to see if any of you have any particular concerns or thoughts with respect to the Senator’s request.  If you do, please submit your thoughts/questions/concerns via email to me at and we will do our best to address these with the Senator.  If you would like to discuss via telephone, please feel free to reach out to one of the members listed above.
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