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The Tennessee Defense Lawyers Association is a group of lawyers primarily engaged in civil defense litigation, who have the opportunity to exchange ideas, techniques and information through our association. We also strive to improve trial practice by supporting high standards for litigation practice and courtroom manners within the adversarial system of jurisprudence.

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Public Notice for Appointment of US Magistrate Judge

28 Mar 2017 5:00 PM | Mary Gadd (Administrator)

The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full- time United States Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee at Knoxville. This position is created by the upcoming retirement of Magistrate Judge C. Clifford Shirley, Jr. The essential function of courts is to dispense justice. An important component of this function is the creation and maintenance of diversity in the court system. A community’s belief that a court dispenses justice is heightened when the court reflects the community’s racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. 

Applications must be submitted only by applicants personally and must be received by the Clerk’s Office by the close of business on March 30, 2017. More information: click here.

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